靠北清大 2.0

新版靠北清大 2.0 讓全校師生都有了審核的權限,每天穩定發出投稿文章。

Dear Faculty, Students, and Staff:
Recently, several students of our univeristy were placed in home quarantine due to close contact with a person diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia. The health authorities have examined the case carefully and determined that the case should have been infected for a long time abroad (IgG antibody positive). Since the case had already been quarantined for 14 days on entrance to our country, the health and education authorities have decided that the courses taken by those students in home quarantine do not need to be suspended or changed to online courses. The courses can still be conducted as usual. As for those students in home quarantee, online teaching has been arranged so that they can learn without interruption. The current epidemic prevention measures of NTHU are handled in accordance with the instructions of the health authorities.
The confirmed case and his contacts are undergoing diagnostic tests. If safety can be confirmed, NTHU will lift relevant control measures in accordance with the instructions of the health authorities.
If the Center for Disease Conrol (CDC) has further instructions, NTHU will immediately take correpsonding measures accordingly.
To ensure a safe campus, the university has already disinfected the areas that those in home quarantee had visited.
In response to the rising domestic epidemic situation, please observe the following measures to keep our campus safe: keep social distance, wear surgical masks in airtight spaces, practice good personal hygiene (e.g. wash hands thoroughly and constantly, wear masks, and measure body temperature), track personal whereabouts, etc.
If symptoms such as fever, respiratory symptoms, abnormal smell or taste occur, please contact the Division of Health Services 03-5743000 (Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00) or Student Assistance Division 03-5711814 (24 hours) immediately.
At the same time, please mind your discussion of the epidemic situation not to violate the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law. Any information regarding the epidemic infections should subject to the announcements by the Central Epidemic Command Center.

Telegram: @xNTHU/1855
Facebook: @xNTHU2.0/293542929020262 (37 likes)
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靠北清大 2.0
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